Tears – Blog 8
Tears are often cathartic and cleansing.
I saw another side to our young people recently at their recent camp, held at Philip Island. A few sobbed as they shared their testimonies and others joined in. It was an eye-opener for me as most times, as with young people, they would be free and frilly. So it came somewhat as a surprise for me to see them cry. Hasn’t it been said before that “Grown men don’t cry?” Well, cry they did and grown men too! So I complemented them for their openness and transparency. I said, It was alright to cry. For surely God loves soft and sensitive hearts, especially contrite ones. I sensed the Spirit’s presence that day, in moving their hearts and surely it augured well for the future, for God loves to work on soft soil.
After all, the bible did say “Jesus wept.” He wept on at least two occasions. Once, over the death of his friend Lazarus (Jn 11:35) and the other, as he drew near to Jerusalem (Lk 19:41). In both cases, Jesus wept out of compassion and grief although for two different reasons.
In the first, he mourned with those who mourned because he felt for them and his heart ached as he identified with their loss. In the second, he wept over the impending physical destruction of Jerusalem and more importantly, the destruction of mankind wrought by sin, corruption and injustice and the resultant pain created.
Let us weep then with those who weep. For we know and are assured that he comforts us in all our tribulations (2 Cor 1:3-4). And in a broken world, brought about by sin and destruction, let us resolve to do everything we can to make a difference (M.A.D.) physically, emotionally and spiritually for a dying world. Amen.
Ps N Koh
30 Sep. 2011